Nov 14 2012
Count The Votes Prop 37 – May Have Passed

Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport called the voter registrar offices in the largest California counties and nearly 1.7 million votes remain uncounted in Santa Clara, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange Counties alone. It is still unknown how many votes are uncounted in other California counties. Since the margin of “victory” is about 600,000 votes, this means Prop 37 may conceivably have passed. 

There is a petition going around to Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State which says:

“We petition Debra Bowen, Secretary of State of California, to require ALL votes cast in the November 6 election be counted immediately. We specifically demand that ALL ballots in the following counties be counted and recorded: Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, and Santa Clara. We demand that the results of this complete ballot counting be made public immediately.”


To sign this petition, click here:


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