Hello to all of you who participated in the 1st Annual Olive Harvest last November and welcome to all of you who are new to our mailing list. I hope you all enjoyed your summer and are now seeing the olives around Caltech ripen with the coming fall. As you may or may not have heard, we are in the midst of planning for a 2nd Annual Harvest which is scheduled for November 7th, 2008. While much of what you loved about last year’s festival will be back again (olive picking, tasting exhibits, and, of course, the gala feast) you will also see some new, “greener” faces as we introduce our new Manager of Sustainable Programs, John Onderdonk, display exhibits from eco-friendly clubs around campus, and provide tours of Caltech’s new solar-energy facility. For a full description and schedule of events, please visit our website at olives.caltech.edu.
You can also check out our website to submit entries for the Label Design Contest, which opened today and will close on October 10th. We’re looking forward to seeing a whole batch of new ideas for our olive oil bottle labels and can’t wait to give out some great prizes to our winner. We’ll be in touch again soon, but for now you should mark your calendars for November 7th, submit those label designs, and tell all your friends to get involved too by joining our mailing list.
If you have an questions, concerns, suggestions, or anything else you’d like to tell us, don’t hesitate to send us an email at oliveharvest@caltech.edu.
Cordially yours,
Erin White