Tag Archives: blu
Blu E-cigs, Far Better and less Expensive than real Cigarettes!!

World is moving so fast and changes are taking place day by day. People are switching from Cigarettes to E-cig, because of the infinite disadvantages of Cigarettes. So far as the scientific reasons are concerned, a recent survey revealed that Smokers who smoke real cigarettes…

Electronic cigarettes from Blu – BluCigs

Electronic cigarettes are the exciting new product on the block. The best and most-researched electronic cigarette on the market. Why customers love blu? • blu flavors made in the USA by Johnson Creek • Smoke blu anywhere • blu pack charges the cigarettes while you’re…

An Alternative to traditional cigarettes- Try blu

Are you looking for a smoke free alternative to cigarettes? Are you looking for the freedom to smoke when you are on board? Try blu. What is blu? Blu represents the new generation of cigarettes-the electronic cigarettes. One cartridge=6 cigarettes! If you are new to…