Jun 15 2009
All for Good

I just signed up for All For Good.

About All for Good

Are you looking for ways to give back to your community? All for Good makes it simple to find and share volunteer activities with friends and family.

Inspired by the call of President Obama to engage more Americans in service, a group of individuals from the technology, marketing and public sectors came together to build an open source application currently managed by Google that allows you to find and share volunteer activities. All for Good lets you browse activities and find events based on your location or interests. The site is in the process of being transferred to a new non-profit organization, Our Good Works, that was formed by some of the people who initiated the project and who support the product’s growth. Stay tuned for more information.

Even better – sign in with your primary social network to connect with friends, and discover and share interesting activities. Doing good is more fun together!

How did All for Good get started?

When President Obama called on Americans to get out and serve even before he took office, people who led the online and on the ground effort looked to Silicon Valley (where lots of tech companies start and settle) for new tools to engage in service. All this chatter ultimately turned into a groundswell of individuals from varied backgrounds — technology, marketing, academia, non-profit— coming together to volunteer their time and talents to create All for Good.

From that initial spark, our ad hoc crew worked to bring the idea to life. Companies and organizations joined in and donated resources to help turn a shared idea into a reality.

Now that we’ve gotten it started, we’re looking to you, the community at large, to help us innovate and grow All for Good.

Who are we?

Doing good takes many forms. Some people plant trees (trees are good!). Some people build houses. Some people create technology.

We are a self-organized crew of software engineers, marketing managers, product developers and designers who have underestimated the cups of coffee and lines of code it would take to create All for Good. But if it helps you do good work, then the lost sleep is all worth it.

Our core team is made up of volunteering enthusiasts from places like Google, Craigslist Foundation, YouTube, FanFeedr and Aha! Ink. As a contributor to the All for Good project, Google is hosting and managing the All for Good website and products. Several Google engineers developed All for Good as a 20-percent project (Google lets engineers spend a day a week on projects that interest them).

Lots of individuals and companies came together to get All for Good off the ground. The activities you find on the site come from nonprofits, companies and self-organized groups. Founding activity providers include 1-800-volunteer.org, 1 Sky, AARP, American Solutions for Winning the Future, City of New York, The Corporation for National and Community Service, craigslist, Girl Scouts of the USA, Habitat for Humanity, HandsOn Network and Points of Light Institute, Idealist, MeetUp, Network for Good, Organizing for America, ServeNet.org, Sierra Club, The Extraordinaries and USAservice.org.

And now that we’ve gotten it started, we’re looking to you to help us innovate and grow the site.

Help us grow All for Good by using and improving the site

Find more volunteers

Is your organization interested in reaching a wider audience by distributing your volunteer activities through All for Good? If so, contact us. We will get back to you with a choice of ways to deliver your information to us.

Make the beta better

All for Good relies on individuals and organizations who can volunteer their time and talent to make the site even better. Let us know you’d like to help.

Have some ideas for what you’d like to see on the site? Send your feedback.

Build All for Good apps

Hey developer community! We need your help. If you are an API app writer and want to use the All for Good API, please contact us about developing apps.

All for Good is an open source project we want to share and promote broadly in the developer community. Request our source code.

Contact Information

For technical problems or questions concerning this site, please contact us to report a bug.

Please report inappropriate postings you find on this site. To share ideas or enhancement requests, please send your feedback.


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