Tag Archives: E-book
Entitlebooks.com is a leading provider of digital eBooks with more than 200,000+ titles – Free 7 day trial

Entitlebooks.com is a leading provider of digital eBooks with more than 200,000+ titles available. Readers can download eBooks and read across any device including PC / Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire, Nook, and Kobo. Unlike other eBook companies, once you download an eBook from…

Discover over 500 Free eBooks on TheReadingRoom

Discover over 500 Free eBooks on TheReadingRoom TheReadingRoom is a social discovery platform for books, allowing you to connect with like-minded people, get trusted recommendations and read reviews from a global community and trusted sources. We deliver the best experience where everyone can discover, share…

Top 10 eReaders For Your eBook Reading Delight

EReaders are a great idea and mean that the reader can enjoy a good book wherever they are. You can carry about thousands of books, all in one go, and have them all lightly stored on your sleek new eReader. Some people have been quite…

“The Magic and Moxie of Apple: An Insider’s View” Book

eBook entitled “The Magic and Moxie of Apple: An Insider’s View” debuted yesterday, and has since made it to #1 on Amazon (Kindle) & #6 in Books (business). Here’s a quick description: This eBook delves into the best practices of Apple Inc. from the inside out…
