Jun 30 2012
LivingSocial Deals – Start Saving Today

With new and diverse offerings each day, discover everything from family aquarium outings to weekend excursions to exclusive gourmet dinners and more.

LivingSocial offers a wide variety of deals:

Local: Offers encouraging local discovery by connecting consumers to great merchants at significant savings

Escapes: Distinctive travel experiences crafted to inspire easy exploration of destinations across the street and around the world

Families: Valuable kid-and-parent-approved offers that help families get out and play together

Adventures: Unique activities that encourage members to try new things. From Shooting and Drinking to River Tubin’ and BBQin’, life with LivingSocial is an Adventure!

Gourmet: High-end culinary experiences available exclusively to select members

National: Offering members significant savings for nationally recognized brands

At Home: Encouraging members to discover unique home décor and service offers

Live Events: Offering premium entertainment offers and experiences at a great value
Products/”General Store”


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