Jan 27 2009
The Matrix Face Off: iPhone SDK and Android Development
Use Discount Code “SVWB” to receive FREE pass for this Jan meeting.

Dinner/Drinks are included and sponsored by Hurricane Electric. Apress is giving out swags like T Shirt, Poster, iPhone Books. Almost many of you will receive something.



1) SVWB is affiliated community sponsor for the event. SV-GTUG is an organizer for the OpenSocial WeekendApps Camp
coming up on Feb 20-22. If you sign up before January 31st, you get a
75% discount (a savings of $30) with the following discount code:


Discount Code: EARLYBIRD

2) Check out future UIE Virtual Seminars from Jared Spool.

Writing Web Content that Works, a UIE Virtual Seminar with Ginny Redish. Wednesday, February 11, 2009. 10:30am PT.

People visit your web site for the content, not for the joy of navigating or searching. The key to great web content is to think about content as conversation.

This Virtual Seminar is about getting the optimum content with the right words, with the right design, in the right place to meet site visitors’ needs. We’ll consider what content goes where and why; how little most people want to read on web sites; when to market – and when not to market—on your web pages; how to break up large blocks of text; how to write so busy people can get what they need and come back when they need more.

If you’ve ever struggled with copy writing — or writing anything — on your site, this presentation is perfect for you.

Watch Ginny’s preview at https://cli.gs/A9GbVN.

Register with the promotion code SILVAL and get lifetime access to the recording of this presentation at no extra cost.

You are invited to the following event:
The Matrix Face Off: iPhone SDK and Android Development

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (PT)

Hurricane Electric Building Two “The Matrix”
48233 Warm Springs Blvd
Fremont, CA 94539

Can you attend this event?  Respond Here

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