Nov 25 2009 is a place to discover the best financial products

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About Us

Our mission: To help people discover the best financial products to grow rich in both wealth & knowledge is a place to discover the best financial products…and to weed out the worst. We want to help readers ‘invest in the best’ because saving you money and helping you grow and get rich is our top priority. Read reviews and discuss products in the forums. No matter where you share, we welcome your input and encourage you to write as openly and honestly as possible. The more ‘helpful’ votes your reviews and comments receive, the more prizes and special product discounts you earn. Register today!

In the coming months, we will be rolling out features and prizes galore to get the best users and reviews so get involved and get your friends involved. Learn how you can earn prizes for each friend you refer.

Timothy Sykes ( created Investimonials in November 2009 with that simple goal and because working 18 hours days on his website just wasn’t enough.

Gregg Morton ( is the guy who labored over the site and thanks to him we have over 3,000 financial products listed (please suggest more products, Gregg loves adding them!)

Please leave feedback, suggestions, tips and what you’d like to see on our feedback page.

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Take a giant leap by writing a review or better yet multiple reviews on brokers, newsletters, websites, blogs, DVDs and software that you’ve used and have an opinion on, good or bad.
Our mission is to help people discover the best financial products to grow rich in both wealth and knowledge…and since it never hurts to save a little money in the process, you are now eligible to start earning IVbucks which you can later exchange for financial products! Start learning and earning today by visiting our How To Earn IVbucks page.
We have a ton of exciting features planned so stay up to date and follow Investimonials on Twitter and on Facebook or else you won’t be cool.

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